
LMG utilizes the resources of six major consumer data compilers. Each one has specific strengths. Depending on your target criteria we review several sources and provide you with your best options. Consumer files contain more than 125,000,000 households and more than 200,000,000 individuals.  Compiled from multiple sources these are much more accurate than a single source files.

Select all households by zip, county, major metropolitan area or state.  If you prefer, choose households within a certain radius of your business. (especially convenient for retail marketing)

You may select from families with or without children; in addition we can tell you whether the prospect lives in a multi-family of single family home.

Choosing bankcard holders and or retail credit card holders improves your chances of a potential sale since these people are more likely to have good credit and extra purchasing power.

Popular Selects Include:

  • Age
  • Children
  • Credit Card Holders
  • Ethnicity
  • Gender
  • Homeowners
  • Income
  • Income Producing Assets
  • Length of Residence
  • Net Worth
  • Single/Multi Family Dwellers
  • Telephone Numbers
  • Geography